How To Choose the Right Contractor for Your Solar Installation

This is the last year that Americans can claim the full 30% federal tax credits for solar installation. Not surprisingly, many people are rushing to get their panels up and running before it dips to 26% in 2020 and begins its phasing out process. In spite of the rush, it is important not to forget to choose the right contractor for this very important upgrade for your home.
- Do Some Research
After all the research you already completed to conclude that solar panels are right for you, the last thing you may want to do is even more research. However, by doing a few checks on the contractors you have in mind, you can uncover unsavory details early on and either eliminate them or add that to the list of questions they will need to address. Remember to check reviews as well as local court documents for any outstanding lawsuits.
- Verify Certification
The solar energy field has its own board for certification purposes. This is the North American Board of Energy Practitioners. You can visit the NABCEP website to ensure that the contractor you plan to work with is certified with this board. If the contractor is not certified, they may have failed to meet the requirements which may signal a red flag.
- Ask About Previous Experience
Some contractors may have a general idea about how solar installation works, but have never actually completed an installation on their own. Or, they may have only completed a few. Unless they plan to provide a discount and extensive warranty, this is not a risk worth taking. Choose experienced contractors with a track record of successful installations and happy customers.
Solar installation requires working with electricity, which may trigger a fire hazard in your home. Protect your property and your family by choosing contractors who can ensure a job well done with zero casualties. To account for human error, ask for proof of insurance before the company starts working.